2023年度第1回セミナークラブ “One Health” Prof. Mettenleiter
Avian Flu, Swine Flu, MERS, SARS, Ebola, COVID-19, Monkeypox: zoonotic infections are in the limelight more than ever before. However, zoonotic infections which are naturally transmitted bidirectionally between animals and humans, exist since there are human beings. Humans are biologically part of the animal kingdom, which is a continuum for infectious agents with no particular barriers between non-human animals and humans. More than 60% of human infections originate from animals and more than 75% of newly emerging human infections are zoonoses. This is also true for COVID-19. The human population consisting of 8 billion individuals which are highly mobile, capable of spanning huge geographic distances in a very short time, and aggregate in urban centers, form an ideal host population for infectious agents. The increasing contact between humans and animal reservoirs favours spill- overs of infectious agents, which can lead to local epidemics with possible pandemic potential. The human burden of disease by zoonoses, even before COVID- 19, amounted to ca. 2 million fatalities and 2.4 billion morbidities annually worldwide. Thus, zoonotic infections are a major topic in global health. The “One Health” approach considers the intrinsic interdependence between human, animal and environmental (ecosystem) health in a holistic way to reduce the risk of future pandemics. It is based on transsectoral, interdisciplinary cooperation, communication, coordination and capacity building. Strictly speaking, “One Health” is not only a concept but a way of living.
2023年度第1回セミナークラブ “One Health” Prof. Mettenleiter をクリック(別ウィンドウが開きます)
開催日 | 2023年4月28日 |
分類 | 研究 |
演者 | ドイツ Federal Research Institute for Animal Health 所長:Thomas C. Mettenleiter |
会場 | Web |
主催部門 | URA室 |
担当者 | 小清水 久嗣 |
連絡先 | 9876 koshimiz@fujita-hu.ac.jp |