第2回医科研セミナー・クラブ/CMS Seminar Club

演者:EMBO Reports Chief Editor, Dr. Bernd Pulverer

本シリーズは、くつろいだカジュアルな雰囲気の中、英語でサイエンスを楽しんでいただくための企画です。今回は元NatureのSenior Editor、Nature Cell BiologyのChief Editorで、現在EMBO ReportsのChief EditorのDr. PulvererにTransparent Publishing and Open Science – how to share reproducible dataと題しトークをいただきました。

The scientific progress depends on efficient mechanisms to select, quality control and share rigorous, reproducible research through peer reviewed scientific journals. Beyond Journals, Open Science describes efficient access to all meaningful, reliable research outputs, including data repositories and preprints.
I will discuss mechanisms of science communication with a focus on the optimization of selective editorial processes to render them more fair, informed and efficient, introducing the Review Commons journal agnostic peer review service. I will outline quality assurance processes for research integrity and data curation which result in more reliable and reproducible research papers. Finally, I will describe Open Science platforms that facilitate sharing of research data with minimal delay and maximal transparency to complement journal publishing. This includes preprints and the EMBO SourceData platform, which allows data-centric publishing and data directed search. EMBO was a co-initiator of the San Francisco Declaration for Research Assessment (DORA) 10 years ago this month, which has been transformative in reducing our reliance on misleading bibliometrics and in promoting a more nuanced, holistic approach to research evaluation.


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日時 2023年6月10日 
備考 閲覧方法:ふじた学びばこ → 研究支援 → 医科学研究センター
主催部門 研究推進本部 URA室
担当者 小清水 久嗣

