第7回医科研セミナー・クラブ/CMS Seminar Club
演者:京大院・医 藤田 恭之 教授
第7回では 京都大学大学院医学研究科・医学部 分子腫瘍学講座の 藤田 恭之 教授に細胞競合(cell competition)についてご講演をいただきました。
【Title】Cell competition between normal and transformed epithelial cells
【Abstract】At the initial step of carcinogenesis, transformation occurs in a single cell within an epithelial sheet. However, it remains elusive what happens at the boundary between normal and the newly emerging transformed cells. Using newly established cell culture and mouse model systems, we have shown that various phenomena can occur at the interface between normal and transformed epithelial cells. For example, when Ras-transformed cells are surrounded by normal epithelial cells, the transformed cells are often eliminated from the apical surface of the epithelial monolayer. This phenomenon is not observed when transformed cells alone are present, suggesting that the presence of surrounding normal cells affects the signaling pathways and fate of transformed cells. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that normal epithelial cells can recognize and actively eliminate various types of transformed cells and named this process EDAC (Epithelial Defense Against Cancer).
In this webinar talk, I will present our findings on cell competition and discuss how this study can lead to the establishment of novel types of cancer preventive treatment.
► Googleカレンダーへ登録
登録日時 | 2022年12月15日 |
備考 | 閲覧方法:ふじた学びばこ → 研究支援 → 医科学研究センター |
主催部門 | 医科学研究センター |
担当者 | 小清水 久嗣 |
連絡先 |
9876 koshimiz@fujita-hu.ac.jp |