2022 4th Comprehensive Medical Sciences(CMS)

演者:NAGAI, Nobuo, Ph.D. Professor, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology

演題: View of Ischemic stroke from mouse models
    - pathophysiological difference between mouse and human,
    using cerebral ischemia model -
座長: 藤田医科大学大学院 医学研究科 薬理学 教授 近藤 一直先生

Ischemic stroke is a disease in which cerebral ischemia is induced by
occlusion of cerebral artery and finally caused neuronal damage
associated by neuronal dysfunction. To clarify the pathophysiological
mechanisms of ischemic stroke, various animal experiments have been
performed. The physiological features of animals are, however, not same
with that of human beings.
Here, I would present our recent findings regarding the pathophysiological
mechanisms on ischemic stroke obtained by mouse stroke models.
In addition, I would discuss the significance of the findings from animal
experiments on understanding the pathogenic process in patients.


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日時 2022年8月8日 
備考 閲覧方法:ふじた学びばこ → 大学 → 大学院セミナー
主催部門 大学院学務課
担当者 上田美穂

